Tag: England

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Inside the Peculiar World of Garden Hermits

Imagine being paid to live rent-free in a picturesque garden – but with a twist! In 18th century England, some wealthy landowners offered a peculiar job opportunity: becoming a live-in garden hermit. As the trend of these live-in hermits caught on, advertisements started appearing, and if you think today’s job ads seem strict, you should see the requirements put in place for these unique positions.

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Greenpeace Trolls Boris Johnson in Hilarious New Campaign

The global organization Greenpeace recently launched a new campaign trolling British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The campaign includes a satirical animated video, titled “Wasteminster: A Downing Street Disaster.” This video aims to make a statement about the negative impact the U.K. government’s lack of action has had on the environment. It is Greenpeace’s latest attempt to pressure the British government into creating new policies around recycling and environmental support.