Introducing Apukunaq Tianan, Cusco’s Newest Attraction

Photo: Apukunaq Tianan / Facebook

When most people think about Peruvian tourist attractions, they think about ancient ruins. The city of Cusco is ever-evolving, though, and it has a new attraction in the works: Apukunaq Tianan, also known as the “Abode of the Gods.”

This new, modern attraction is located in the Senk’a community of the Poroy district, which sits about 40 minutes away from Cusco’s main square. It’s still under construction, but it has already opened its doors to the public as a fun and fascinating outdoor recreation space.

Apukunaq Tianan features a series of sculptures of various gods and Andean figures. The sculptures have been carved directly into the side of the mountain (similar to the Mt. Rushmore monument in the United States) by renowned Cusco sculptor Michael de Titan.

Photo: Apukunaq Tianan / Facebook

Each sculpture stands between 49 and 56 feet (15 and 17 meters) tall. However, mixed in with these massive sculptures are smaller carvings made of wood and rock.

Some images visitors can see when they visit Apukunaq Tianan include the deity Pachamama, also known as “Mother Earth.” Other Incan figures are showcased as well, including Puma, Wiracocha, and Apu Guardian.

With his meticulously crafted sculptures, Michael de Titan aims to celebrate Andean culture. He and his team have merged art and nature, just like the ancient Incas did.

Because these sculptures are highly detailed, Apukunaq Tianan is not expected to be completed until later this year, which happens to be the bicentennial year of Peru’s independence.

Photo: Apukunaq Tianan / Facebook

It might not be finished yet, but the attraction is still open to visitors who want to get out and view the work in progress. In fact, many local agencies are already including it as a stop on their tours.

Those who want to check out the sculptures must take proper precautions to protect against the spread of COVID-19. More information is available on the Apukunaq Tianan Facebook page.