“Modern Toilet:” Not Your Regular First-Date Spot in Taipei

Modern Toilet Restaurant interior decoration
Modern Toilet Restaurant interior decoration
“Modern Toilet Restaurant” interior decoration

The “Modern Toilet Restaurant” in the über-hip Ximending neighborhood of Taipei, Taiwan, is a pretty unique bathroom-themed food enterprise. This place has been designed to wow the Instagram generation with some of the most exciting and unusual bathroom twists you have ever seen. Here, the seats are real toilets, the menu is written on a toilet-seat shaped paper, and the waiting staff delivers little chocolate “poop” ice creams.

The restaurant requests that each person at the table orders a minimum of one thing. Even on holidays or at peak times you probably will not be waiting longer than around ten minutes. They do a range of dishes, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, as well as numerous options for dessert. The “poop” emoji ice cream comes as a standard with meals.

Poop emoji ice cream served in
“Poop” emoji ice cream served in “Modern Toilet Restaurant.”

And do not think that just because they have splashed out on toilets everywhere that the restrooms in “Modern Toilet” are not just, well, a little unusual too. Here you can even wash your hands inside a toilet bowl, just like you have always wanted!

With several branches throughout Asia, “Modern Toilet” is a weird and hilarious experience that is well worth a visit. You will find that two people can eat and drink for between $25 – $30 and not come away hungry, so if you can get over the bathroom feel, it represents a great value for money.

Food served in a toilet bowl in Modern Toilet Restaurant.
Food served in a toilet bowl in “Modern Toilet Restaurant.”